b'MEMORIES LAKE MILTONFOR MILESSTATE PARKNEARLY 1,700 ACRES OF SOME OF THE BEST RECREATIONAL WATERS IN OHIO ARE FOUND @CPETE5620AT LAKE MILTON STATE FISHINGPARK. BOATING, FISHINGAnglers enjoy nice catches of different fish species that include largemouth and AND SWIMMING AT THEsmallmouth bass, bluegill, crappie and channel catfish, as well as walleye and 600-FOOT BEACH AREmuskellunge (both of which are stocked by the Division of Wildlife). A valid Ohio fishing POPULAR AT THIS DAY- license is required.USE PARK. THE PARK@TLUV_6BOATINGOFFICE IS LOCATEDLake Milton is designed for unlimited horsepower. Three launch ramps are AT 16801 MAHONINGavailable: Mahoning Ave. at the causeway over the lake (fuel available), Pointview Rd. AVENUE IN LAKE MILTON,and Jersey St. Boaters have access to a section of the Mahoning River at the south OHIO. PLEASE VISITend of the lake. Pontoon boats, kayaks, wave runners and stand-up paddleboards OHIOSTATEPARKS.ORGare offered for rental in season at the@KNOBBYSIDEDOWNMeshel Park area on the east side of the AND SEARCH LAKElake at 16897 Milton Ave. Please callMOUNTAIN BIKING330-654-4991 for rental information andChallenge yourself on this 10.5-mile, MILTON OR CALL reservations. Three picnic shelters and afigure-eight trail with tight turns, short, gazebo are available for group rentals inpunchy climbs and descents. The trail has 330-235-0030.this area. almost zero rock and minimal roots, so beginners do well here. Trailhead is located near 16525 Ellsworth Rd., Berlin Center, OH. Check mtbproject.com and search Lake Milton for a map.4 | #visityoungstown @youngstownlive'