b'VIEWP A R MILL CREEK METROPARKSKMAPSCORY GERMAN @MARTINOMOTORSPORTSLILY POND EAST/WEST GORGE TRAILMigrating waterfowl and resident goldfishA two-mile loop and arguably one of the WNLOA D and turtles have made this four-acre pondbest trails in the area. The trail provides O T a popular site since 1896. The .25-mile Lilyviews of the scenic gorge, suspension D H Pond Circle Trail loops around the pond,bridge and Lantermans Falls with beautiful E providing a path for visitors. A new floatingphoto opportunities. Parking is available at G boardwalk and two observation decksLantermans Mill parking lot.bring you close to the waters edge.U Lily Pond Circle Trail, Youngstown, OHIDE!@RATERDIVAYESARILY R. METROPARKS FARM, ARCHERY RANGE AND DISC GOLFMILL CREEK Open seasonally, this 402-acre working METROPARKS BIKEWAY farm promotes agriculture through The MetroParks Bikeway is an 11-mile,educational programming, tours, display scenic paved trail. Trailside Bicycleareas and a childrens playroom. The Farm Company offers bike rentals at the Kirkalso offers access to the MetroParks Road Trailhead, 6685 Kirk Rd. in Canfield.Bikeway for hikers, skaters and bicyclists, a This location is near the midpoint of thedisc golf course (pg. 10), a fishing pond Bikeway and offers restrooms, waterand an archery range. The archery range is fountains, picnic pavilion and a parking lot.open from dawn to dusk; bring your own The main trailhead is located at MetroParksbow and arrows to shoot targets set at 10, Farm with restrooms available. 20 and 30 yards.7574 Columbiana-Canfield Rd. (Rt. 46)7574 Columbiana-Canfield Rd. (Rt. 46) CORY GERMAN Canfield, OH Canfield, OH, 330-533-7572FELLOWS RIVERSIDE GARDENSMILL CREEK MILL CREEK COLLIER PRESERVEWILDLIFE SANCTUARY Over 300 acres of diverse upland and WICK RECREATION AREA Birding aficionados will want to visit this wetland habitats offer many opportunities This family-friendly mega-recreational area482-acre former fish farm located in for bird watching and hiking on two miles offers four play areas for children (wet,Beaver Township. The area attracts aof trails allowing visitors to experience sand, adventure and tot playgrounds withnumber of species, particularly migratingwildlife habitats up close. Look for white-interactive equipment), tennis andbirds who use the Sanctuary as a restingtailed deer, coyote, eastern cottontail volleyball courts, Dek hockey rink, battingpoint on their journey. More than 260rabbits, red-tail hawks and a wide variety cages, Par-3 golf course, baseball, softballspecies of birds have been documentedof songbirds which have all been observed and soccer fields, as well as picnic facilities.here. Theres an elevated observationat this unique site. During the winter months, enjoy crossplatform for viewing. Binoculars orWestern Reserve Rd. (between Tippecanoe country skiing and the best sledding hill inspotting scopes are recommended. and Hitchcock Rds.), Boardman, OHthe area.Open daily dawn to dusk 1861 McCollum Rd., Youngstown, OH2650 Calla Rd., Canfield, OH330-740-7114 330-740-7107 800-447-8201 youngstownlive.com| 3'