b'DENNIS S.LANTERMANS MILL ANDFELLOWS RIVERSIDE GARDENS FORD NATURE CENTERCOVERED BRIDGE Attracting over 400,000 visitors annually, This handsome stone mansion has One of Mahoning Countys most historicthe 12-acre Fellows Riverside Gardens is undergone a $4 million renovation. Visitors and most photographed landmarks, thisone of Ohios finest public gardens. It can learn about local habitats through 1846 gristmill still operates today as it didfeatures roses of all classes, colorful plant hi-tech interactive exhibits and nature-in the past, grinding corn and wheat. Enjoydisplays, annuals, perennials, bulbs, trees, inspired activities. An ideal location for bird the scenic overlook of Lantermans Falls,evergreens and scenic vistas. Over 40,000 watching, enjoy the natural surroundings the Covered Bridge and hiking trails.bulbs bloom each spring. The Davis and the rooftop garden. Many programs Browse the gift shop to find unique itemsEducation & Visitor Center includes a are offered throughout the year. The gift made by local artisans, as well ascaf, gift shop, art gallery, horticultural shop features park-inspired merchandise. cornmeal, buckwheat and whole wheatlibrary and observation tower. Tues-Sun 10-5flour ground at the Mill. Gardens open daily dawn to dusk840 Old Furnace Rd., Youngstown, OH May-Oct: Tues-Sun 10-5Davis Visitor Center open Tues-Sun 10-5 330-740-7107980 Canfield Rd. (Rt. 62) 123 McKinley Ave., Youngstown, OH Youngstown, OH, 330-740-7115 330-740-71162 | #visityoungstown @youngstownlive'