b'RACESSEPTEMBER 7 SPECIAL EVENTSMAY 27 YOUNGSTOWN ULTRATRAIL CLASSIC THE MEMORIAL MILE 50k (125 spots available)1mi Run 25k (40 spots available) The 32nd event starts at ChilisThe Youngstown Ultra Trail Classic runs on Market Street in Boardman and goes Eastalong Mill Creek pathways on a single-track on Rt. 224 for one mile. Starts right beforetrail next to lakes, streams and waterfalls. It the Kiwanis Memorial Day Parade. consists of hills, rocks, roots and pavement, including 86% trails and 14% pavement.JUNE 14TASTE OF YOUNGSTOWN 4K & 0.0 SEPTEMBER 224k RunYOUNGSTOWN HALF MARATHONFor those who like to run and eat. ThisHalf Marathon, Relay, 5k Runevening run is held in DowntownReturning for the eighth year, this course Youngstown and you can enjoy food fromruns through the hilly and scenic Mill Creek local vendors afterwards. You can also signPark. Distance options include half up for the 0.0 to enjoy the food withoutmarathon, relay and 5k. running. youngstownmarathon.comJULY 4 OCTOBER 6FIRECRACKER 4 YOUNGSTOWN PEACE RACE4mi Run, Kids Run 10k Run, 2mi Run/Walk, 400m Kids RunThe annual race starts and finishes on theThe Peace Race was founded in 1975 as a Green in Canfield with fun family games toway to bring together athletes from around entertain before and after the 59th Annualthe world for a day of competition, Independence Day Parade. friendship and understanding. The point-to-canfield4thofjuly.com point 10k race takes runners through Mill Creek Park during the peak of fall foliage. AUGUST 25 ytownpeacerace.orgPANERATHON5k Run, 2mi Run/Walk NOVEMBER 28Over the last 14 years, the Panerathon hasWHAT WERE THANKFUL 4-MILERraised more than $3.5 million for the Joanie4mi Run, 3k Walk, Kids RunAbdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center.Locals and visitors in town for Thanksgiving The event starts at the Covelli Centre andhave made this run/walk through Boardman winds through downtown Youngstown.a tradition before sitting down for turkey. panerathon.org Proceeds benefit Second Harvest Food Bank and Livestrong at the YMCA.ymcayo.orgSEE YOUFAIR AT THEAUGUST 28 - SEPTEMBER 2canfieldfair.com 800-447-8201 youngstownlive.com| 35'