b'ARTS & PERFORMANCEANOTHER OPENINGANOTHER SHOW@680AERIALSSTAMBAUGH AUDITORIUMSTAMBAUGH AUDITORIUM THE YOUNGSTOWN PLAYHOUSE DINNER THEATER AT DUTCH In his will, Henry H. Stambaugh wanted anCelebrating its 100th anniversary in 2024,VILLAGE EVENT CENTERauditorium built for the enjoyment,Americas oldest ongoing communityA variety of entertaining musicals, entertainment and education of the peopletheater presents a full array of dramas mysteries and faith-based productions are of Youngstown and the surrounding area.and musicals each season. Dozens ofpresented along with full-course meals.This magnificent auditorium opened inwell-known directors, actors and(inside Best Western Plus Dutch Haus Inn1926 with near-perfect acoustics and hasproducers credit their success to & Suites), 150 E. State Route 14 welcomed national and internationalThe Youngstown Playhouse. Columbiana, OH, 330-482-5050performers ever since. The Grand Staircase600 Playhouse Ln., Youngstown, OHdasdutchvillage.com/theaterand Promenade have undergone a330-788-8739, youngstownplayhouse.orgcomplete restoration, bringing back theirOPERA WESTERN RESERVEoriginal glory.YOUNGSTOWN STATEOpera Western Reserve stages a full-scale 1000 Fifth Ave., Youngstown, OH330-259-0555 UNIVERSITY CLIFFE COLLEGE opera with live orchestra each fall.stambaughauditorium.com OF CREATIVE ARTS &1000 Fifth Ave., Youngstown, OHCOMMUNICATION 330-480-0693, operawesternreserve.org DEYOR PERFORMING ARTSOver 400 events are presented each year, CENTER: HOME OF THEincluding dozens of art exhibits, eightEASY STREET PRODUCTIONSmajor theatrical productions and moreYoungstowns first and only professional YOUNGSTOWN SYMPHONYthan 100 musical events. stock theater. Their annual Christmas ORCHESTRA Bliss Hall, 547 Wick Ave. spectacular Miracle on Easy Street has DeYor features the magnificent Edward W.Youngstown, OH, 330-941-3625 been running for over 35 years, Powers Auditorium, constructed by theysu.edu/ccac entertaining thousands each holiday Warner Brothers in 1931. It is home to theseason. Other shows are presented Youngstown Symphony Orchestra, as wellHOPEWELL THEATRE throughout the year at DeYor Performing as traveling theatrical productions. TheThis group presents theater in the intimateArts Center.Flad Pavilion houses the Ford Familysetting of a converted church built in the865 Mahoning Ave., Youngstown, OH Recital Hall with cutting-edge acoustics for1890s. The actors see their audience as an330-743-8555, easystreetshows.com orchestral music, musical ensembles andimportant part of every play and are eager choral productions. 260 W. Federal St., Youngstown, OHto meet and chat with patrons afterTOP HAT PRODUCTIONS330-744-0264, youngstownsymphony.com performances. Top Hat Productions aims to provide a 702 Mahoning Ave., Youngstown, OHlearning environment and works through 330-746-5455, hopewelltheatre.org stage performance and community outreach to bring together different social and economic groups.4220 Youngstown-Poland Rd., Poland, OH 330-881-0980, tophatproductions.org28 | #visityoungstown @youngstownlive'