b"Goodness to The Mahoty &niuali ngQ Vash llemi y A Signn c egi 2n 0i 1rB 3an indoor AmishShopping ExperienceThe Amish Marketis conveniently located just off the Ohio Turnpike at Exit 234 inBoardman, Ohio the heart of the Mahoning Valley, and isOpen for business Year-Round from Thursday - Saturday(please see our website for holiday & holy day observances).Come experience the scrumptious taste of homestyle cooking atThe Market Restaurant, or take a leisurely stroll around the marketto discover an array of delectable dishes, freshly baked treats,specialty foods, and much more. The market boasts over twelvevendors to cater to all your cravings, whether it's donuts,barbecue, or something entirely different. Plus, you can browsehome dcor or shop for Amish-crafted furniture, making it a havenfor both food enthusiasts and shoppers.Around the Market: Plus:HOT & COLD FOODSBAKED GOODS 2 FOOD COURTS COMPLIMENTARY WI-FIMEATS, DELI & CHEESE POULTRY & BARBEQUE RESTROOMS ON PREMISEFREE PARKINGSALADS & DESSERTS CONFECTIONS LARGE GROUPS WELCOME LOYALTY REWARDSHOME & OUTDOOR DECORBULK GOODS H U R SDAY - S AT T U RE N DP AO YTHURS. & FRI: 9:00 AM - 6:00PM SAT.: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PMtheamishmarket.net6121 SOUTH AVE.|BOARDMAN, OH 44512|330.248.9933"