b'HOLLYWOOD GAMING@MARB002 @CECELIA_CARERRA @STEELMUSEUMTHE BUTLER INSTITUTE OFOH WOW! CHILDRENS CENTERYOUNGSTOWN HISTORICAL AMERICAN ART FOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF INDUSTRY & LABOR A visit to The Butler is like a walk throughA recent multi-million dollar renovation(THE STEEL MUSEUM)American history, with masterpiecesincluded a complete redesign and broughtThe interesting and unique Steel Museum leading the way. The Butler has receivedthree new exhibits to this world-class(as its known locally) was designed by national and international acclaim and is ascience center. OH WOW!s 20,000Michael Graves. Its permanent exhibit, By highpoint of any visit to Youngstown.square-foot, colorful, hands-onthe Sweat of Their Brow: Forging the Steel Known as Americas Museum, The Butlerenvironment encourages independentValley pays tribute to the men and women was the first museum in the countrythinking through interactive STEM-basedwho labored in the steel and iron industry established to house artwork createdexhibits and EDUtaining programs. Therein the Mahoning Valley. By 1920, the Valley solely by American artists. Industrialistare 13 different WOW! Zones that offerwas the nations second-largest domestic Joseph Butler commissioned McKim, Meadactivities for children ages 0 to 14. Sincesteel producer. Exhibits combine artifacts, & White to create an architecturalopening in 2011, OH WOW! has welcomedvideo interviews and full-scale recreations masterpiece, which opened to the public inover 550,000 explorers. Check theirof the places where steelworkers lived and 1919. The museums collection nowwebsite for an extensive calendar ofworked. The museum features hundreds of exceeds 22,000 pieces in all media types,special events. Children and adults learnphotographs representing labor, dating back to 1719. Two new sizablewhile having fun at the Happiest Place inimmigration and urban history.galleries allow for large-scale art to beYoungstown. Wed-Fri 10-4, Sat 12-4displayed. The visually impaired can enjoyWed-Sun 9-3, closed major holidays 151 W. Wood St., Youngstown, OHThe Butler through use of the Aira App.15 Central Sq., Youngstown, OH 330-941-1314Stop in the Gift Shop and The Butler Caf.330-744-5914, ohwowkids.orgyoungstownohiosteelmuseum.org Free admission. Tues-Sat 11-4, Sun 12-4524 Wick Ave., Youngstown, OH330-743-1107, butlerart.com 12 | #visityoungstown @youngstownlive'