Scapin, a delightful comedy by Molière, promises to put audiences in stitches. This classic farce follows the misadventures of Scapin, a conniving servant with a knack for mischief and manipulation. As he navigates a web of love triangles and schemes, the play explores themes of deception, forgiveness, and the triumph of wit.
Performances are November 10-11 & 17-18 at 7:30pm, and November 12 & 19 at 2:00pm in Ford Theater in Bliss Hall at YSU.
Visit the YSU University Theatre website for ticket information. Adult tickets are $16. Special rate tickets are $12 for non-YSU students, YSU alums, YSU faculty and staff, senior citizens, Penguin Club members, and groups of eight (8) or more. YSU students are free with a valid ID. To purchase show tickets, call 330-941-3105 or go to