Ribbers & Rockers Unite For Summer’s Ultimate National Rib Cook-Off & Music Festival! Admission is $7.00 per person per day. Advance weekend pass is $25.00. Both single day and weekend passes are on sale at ribsnrock.com. Gates open at noon June 27-30.
Entertainment schedule:
Thursday, June 27
6:00pm Generation Rock
8:00pm The Clarks
Friday, June 28
5:00pm 7% Superstar
6:00pm Radio Pulse
8:00pm Hinder
Saturday, June 29
4:00pm Turbo Lovers
5:00pm Messer
6:00pm The Huckin’ Fillbilly’s
8:00pm Scott Stapp of Creed
Sunday, June 30
2:00pm Davis & Henner
3:00pm Goes Like This
4:00pm The Super Babes
6:00pm The Vindy’s
8:00pm Red Wanting Blue
Visit their website or Facebook page for the latest event news.