Ostatki: Polish Carnival Celebration
Saturday, March 2, 2019 @ 6:30 pm
The raucous annual revelry of Carnival in Brazil and Mardi Gras in New Orleans are legendary and widely imitated. However, lesser-known celebrations have taken place for generations in other parts of the world, particularly in those countries where Christian traditions have made the 40 days before Easter a time of extreme sacrifice and solemnity. Poland is one of those countries and PolishYoungstown is inviting others to join them in the fun as they host the 9th annual Ostatki: A Polish Carnival Celebration. Ticket prices are $50 per person and are available at Krakus Polish Deli & Bakery, the Casual Pint and online at www.polishyoungstown.org.
Upon arriving guests will receive a passport to be used as they tour Poland via a series of guided tastings of imported Polish vodka, beers and liquors sponsored by Zywiec Importers, NYC. This is preceded by an elaborate Polish appetizer buffet and complimented by an elegant YCC-provided dinner. To keep it stylish, we have invited Radek Fizek, former international performer Mazowsze member, to entertain us with his amazing violin, vocals and DJ music. His great music sets the tone for the evening as guests enjoy trivia meet-and-greets, bead contests, elegant basket raffles, and other games. The evening will climax with the presentation of the celebratory pączki with a hidden surprise for one lucky winner.