OMEA District 5 Honors Band
Saturday, November 9, 2019 @ 1:30 pm
The Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) presents the District 5 Honors Band Concert. The concert features the District 5 Middle School Honors Band under the direction of Jim Dowdy and the District 5 High School Honors Band directed by Austintown Fitch and Dana School of Music Alumnus Mike Camuf. OMEA is comprised of outstanding band students in grades 7-12 from Ashtabula, Mahoning, and Trumbull Counties. OMEA is the principal organization in Ohio promoting music education in elementary and secondary schools as well as colleges and universities.
To purchase tickets, call 330-259-0555, go to, or visit the Florence and Ward Beecher Box Office at Stambaugh Auditorium in person. The box office is open Monday through Friday, 9am-6pm.