YSU Penguin Productions presents the 10th Annual Federal Frenzy on Saturday, April 27 from 2:00pm-11:00pm in downtown Youngstown. The lineup includes Bully, GONERS, JD Eicher, Andrew Slater and the Wickies, Angie Haze, Big Pop, Black Wolf and the Thief, Chris Lombardi, Dave Buker, Drake Morris, Easton Union, Franklin Dead Rose, Hywater, Katy Robinson and the Wanderers, Lauren Brabson, Madame Marlowe, Nick Adduci, Ohayo, Phatz Elliot, Riley Burke Band, The Berrys, The Crxssing, The Knockouts, Wednesday Demonstration, Wine & Spirit, and Yacobucci. For more details, visit the YSU Penguin Productions Facebook event page.