Bites & Bits of History: An Afternoon with Rich Morgan
Thursday, May 16, 2019 @ 12:00 pm
The Mahoning Valley Historical Society will welcome retired broadcaster Rich Morgan for a questions and memories session. From his days with the Money Movie to his time with WKBN’s First News This Morning, Rich Morgan has been a staple in many Valley homes. Bring your memories and questions!
Bring your own lunch, or visit Overture for their $6 Bites and Bits Lunch Special. Call Overture at 330-744-9900 to place your order. Coffee, pop, and water are available for purchase at the History Center.
The daily parking lot on the west side of the building is available for $2.50. Place money in the numbered slot which corresponds to your parking space in the white box on the Federal Street sidewalk.
For more information contact the Historical Society at 330-743-2589 or visit